This week served as an adjustment period for most of the roommates as well as myself. Things are basically back to normal, and I mean normal in the way where we just go about our business without carrying loads of extra bitterness or anger with us over anything. Even though it is certainly different than it was in the beginning of the school year and even in the beginning of this semester, the way things are now makes the new definition of “normal” that we will live with for the next two and a half weeks until the semester ends.
It is not exactly a totally warm environment like it was before when everyone was on the same page and it did not feel like there were cliques or drama, but it’s not harsh and cold either. Everyone just does her own thing and we live together civilly with an air of friendliness. Luckily, tension never got so bad that we felt really uncomfortable with each other. That would certainly complicate things.
The end of the semester is dishing out a lot of homework, and most of the time, even when we are all in the room, is spent in silence with only the faint tapping of keyboards drifting to our ears. It seems like the only bursts of energy come in the morning when we are rushing to get out after a late night of studying or crawling into bed when we can finally take a break to sleep.
It is a little disappointing to see how the dynamic of the entire group has changed, but I feel like my relationship with each person individually has grown for the better. After all, we were all thrown into this situation as random strangers and have accomplished a lot in terms of building relationships with each other and learning how to live with people; I am proud of that. Looking back to the beginning of the year, it is strange to see how what I thought of as “normal” among the roommates has changed, but I can see for sure it is something that I experienced before but never recognized.
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