The supplemental has been having quite a few visitors lately. Most of them are linked to only one of the girls, and they seem to enjoy visiting our spacious box of a room. Usually they are pretty talkative, so we know when they are over, but one in particular is like a mystery. It is hard to detect a presence.
This particular visitor is male, and never really gives a warning as to when he will come in or if he is even there, which presents a few issues. First, there have been conflicts with him in the past that make him an unwelcome visitor in the minds of the majority of the roommates. Unfortunately, addressing this twice still has not solved the problem of him visiting, so hopefully the third time’s the charm! Second, it is quite unsettling when you want to change and then realize in the middle of doing so that there is a guy in the room. Third, it is also awkward sitting right on the other side of him with only a thin hanging sheet in between, and he is not talking with the roommate he knows. I would like to do my homework in peace and quiet, not in a cloud of awkwardness.
It is not a little problem that I am facing alone; he annoys the other roommates more than he bothers me. The roommate who he comes to see knows that the rest of us are not fond of him in the least, yet he remains as a guest. When he comes, there is always an elephant in the room, and we are close to bringing up the problem in his presence. Could this be our first major conflict? It is quite possible. When patience is thin and tension is thick, it is easy for a confrontation to occur.
I feel so bad for you! I was talking to two of your roommates, Amy and Kenya, yesterday and they were talking about this as well! I can't imagine having this problem. The fact that your other roommate doesn't acknowledge the problem either is not good. Hopefully it gets better!